Feb 5, 2011

101 Best Free Games of 2010

1up.com has this every year and it's the only reason I ever visit their site. These keep me entertained for quite some time.


Feb 1, 2011

Not laying down to die

Just played a guy I assume to be C- (had a 240 apm) and stuck it out with him for a while. I did some good drops and had a whole bunch of science vessels I used pretty well. But alas, my macro was horrible, and expanding against a zerg is pretty difficult unless you have map control. Fighting spirit is definitely a macro map. The funny thing is, I did have map control, but then, I went to save my expo I stupidly put halfway across the map (one ultralisk was killing it) and map control went right out the window. Science vessels died marines started running low, tried to make another expo and failed.

But I did well to be playing a guy with 100 more actions per minute than myself