Oct 15, 2009


My poll "Which would you rather have" has finally closed. I've had it up for maybe 8-9 months, so sure that the beta or a release date would be presented before it closed.

I'm rather disappointed in the results, hoping "Brood War: Revamped" would take it over. I believe a Brood War: Revamped would be more interesting than Starcraft 2. As long as it keeps the basic mechanics of Broodwar (I've mentioned things like this before). You'd have all the cool features that have been talked about in Starcraft 2, it would make the game fresh for another eight years. Unit pathing would be better... Protoss probe's hotkey will be closer to the left side of the keyboard, replay features, and so much more. You also don't have to worry as much if the gameplay is balanced. With a game like starcraft 2, I believe it won't be long for the hardcore players to find a mechanic exploit that will turn everyone away from any serious play, the possibility is greater than it would be in a revamp.

Well, whole new and larger crowd will come to play Starcraft 2. If it hits big, it could last longer than Broodwar and spark something amazing in America, I wonder if it's possible for it to become a popular sport as it is in Korea. Blizzard knows there is a lot of money to be made too, they've implemented ways to make more money, and will probably surprise us with something that we have to pay for, maybe a map or feature that will make the game more pleasurable. They will explore every way possible to make money, but will make it just so people don't believe it's too unreasonable.

What are your thoughts?

Also, I should add that I've not been playing starcraft, as a matter of fact I've been playing Halo: Odst, and I love it. For starcraft, you have to invest so much time to learn it right!

Sorry for anyone that reads my blog, it would be much more interesting if I were a dedicated gamer. My mojo has been lost... at least for Broodwar....

1 comment:

Fafner said...

I'd prefer a Brood War revamped, although I think changing the path-finding will change the balance of the game significantly. But we will get a Starcraft 2 and hopefully it will become a balanced game quickly enough so that the pro-gamers don't leave it again.

And playing Halo... sheees ;-)