Jun 11, 2009

So I Suck at Starcraft

Lately, I've been wondering if I should have ever came back to starcraft... and that can attest only one thing... I've been losing. Man, I suck.

A team member named 'DetZero' has now played me in 8 mind numbing games. He's a zerg player, I figure him to be a great practice partner. He isn't the kind of zerg player that likes to finish the game asap, but instead likes to tech up and focus on macro just as I would like to. The only let down is that his macro is much better than my own, superior. To make it to his section of the map is in itself a huge pain in the ass. Multiple times, he only has to attack move his units and easily take my lunch money. Approaching the end of each game, I can even see he usually upgraded 2 weaponry/armor higher than myself.

In the midst of my tormented soul, I suspect struggling to spam the entire game isn't much help, as I usually only regrab my army and attack move them around. For now, I will attempt to drop the unneccessary spam (except for at the start of the game) so I can SEE a bit better.

Gah... am I even getting better? Or is it not possible to be better in 8 games? No matter... I have a goal. Surely, I'll see DetZero every day, and I will play him every day (unfortunately, likely to be beaten everyday). My mind is bountiful of things I know I can correct and strengthen, but it's going to take time.

Too many times, I've got too many minerals stored up... embarrasingly over 3,000, with 6-7 barracks. Taking a week off isn't a bright thing to do. I'm 26 of 50 into my vs. zergs games, and I'm craving protoss.

My next post will consist of my 50th zerg game. It shall be lengthy.... so keep in touch ^_^

Maybe I will suck a little less.


Anonymous said...

practice makes perfect, I once played a guy in chess 37 times (all of which were losses on my part) on the 38th game i beat him, I noticed through all of these that i was slowly improving, it just wasnt noticeable from the get go. What I'm trying to say is, sometimes perseverance is the only way to improve.


Jovan said...

yeah, wat jtay620 said. Sometimes perseverance plays a part in improving, not just starcraft. Also, if you're serious in increasing your skills, be dedicated enough in doing so. I'm not so good myself, I play at an average of 70+ apm and I plan to keep on practicing.