Sep 24, 2008

Raiden II

Back in the day , there were arcades. Places your mother dropped you off with five to ten dollars and a time she'd return. I loved arcades back in the day, especially this game that I've downloaded onto my computer: Raiden II. It's a shooting game where you play as a jet and with a birds eyes view of you shooting oncoming enemies. I love dodging their bullets, what can I say. Weaponry of the game includes missiles and guns. There are two types of missiles and three of guns. On guns, there is a powerful laser that blasts only straight ahead, there are red bullets that have a spread but you still need to aim, and a purple laser that follows the targets but is the weakest yet the most fun. The missiles either follow the targets or shoot straight ahead, the one that shoots ahead has more power to the punch. It's an interesting game because when just one of the enemies bullets hits you, you explode. And there are a lot of bullets. You are equipped with bombs too. They clear the map clean of enemies, the weak ones, and leave you seconds of safe dodging.

I downloaded it off bittorrent and even got Raiden III from a gaming website. My laptop doesn't have a powerful enough video card to play it, soI used the other computer. It looks so damn good on the big screen monitor that I almost forget how fucking hard it is to dodge all those bullets. Playing it on normal mode was next to impossible. You'd have to memorize each level and know exactly where to be when they bullets start spraying; I'll leave it up to the japanese to handle "very hard" mode.

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