Apr 7, 2010


Played some pretty good games as of late. I guess the rank system is starting to kick in since I've been playing players more close to my level.

Few thoughts, in a TvZ the guy went super duper zerglings and a bit of banelings. I know now to never try to push out when theres a chance a zerg is going mass early zerglings. the guy even said "You will lose in 5 minutes"... I lost about 10 minutes in to all lings.

A TvT, wow I LIKE TvT now. Siege tanks are no longer a pain in the ass. And even more powerful than it was in BW, the dropship helped me rape a guy that focused on defending his choke. Dropships can hold 8 marines or 4 rauders each! I'm definitely putting dropship harass to good use in the future. I wasn't even able to fill all my dropships up. Wow.

Finally, a TvP. 30 minute game and I lost because of Collus. They shoot so damn far, a perfect compliment to stalkers. I mostly blame my lack of experience as I never looked for robotics facility or tried to counter with many vikings. I should definitely put vikings in my game if not banshees. Also, bunkers are pretty useful in my opinion. Especially with marines in them instead of the rauders.

It's hard to shake the habit of putting depots behind your mineral line. They will be much more useful spread out to bring every inch in the vicinity in view, so as to see reapers, warped units and nydus if they ever try to be sneaky.

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