Oct 28, 2008

Proud Soldier

Should I be proud of myself?

Not really.

FPVOD's on youtube are so awesome I could learn a lot from looking at them. For instance, I do hotkey my buildings, but still I use the shift+f2 hotkey to take the screen to my buildings and click them individually. I believed it saved me a bit of trouble but now I can see that it's going to be necessary to do it different. Fafner pointed out I didn't use building hotkeys much, it's time to use them. But when I want to clean my base up and build turrets and whathaveyou, I will use the 'shift + f2-f4' keys. Ha! I'm kind of excited now because I know my APM and unit control will be better in the future.

Last week, the day of my birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME [22 years old]), I played one game of starcraft against a 150 APM guy. Of course he beat me but I was a little proud of holding off for so long, 22 minutes. My apm was 100. He seemed to be a player that likes to win economically and did a good job of doing it. Check out the picture, he has quite a few expos while I fail with my push (didn't drop mines or build turret like I should have either).
You can also see me trying to expand on the top right of the map. He handled that with these same units. I couldn't do anything about it. I was heading up shit creek.
The rest of the game he was totally overwhelming with his economic advantage. I tried to drop once or twice but failed. There were good spots to drop and harass his workers but I wasn't that familiar with the map.
Yesterday, I played two games. The first was a complete and total noob, the second had an apm close to mine. Although, strangely my apm for that game was 87 to his 103. I must admit, he had terrible unit control. If he were to use his units correctly and did one big push he would have done much better. And he didn't apply any kind of pressure on me so I was free to do whatever I wanted (I didn't push until a little later). When I finally attacked he responded poorly, very poorly. If you want to see how terrible he did leave a comment for a replay.
You know what, at least I won it. I should be as proud as I can of it. The funny thing is iCCup had some kind of malfunction (all players logged onto iCCup were affected) so my two wins weren't processed. How lame is that? I'm still 1-7. Damn you iCCup. Damn you to hell. Oh wait. It shows on my gaming profile that I've played 8 games, but if you click on match list you see 9 games. Two wins. Strange.


Fafner said...

Hey, have you completely stopped playing and posting?

Michael said...

Ah, I haven't played in a while. I think I'm mostly waiting for starcraft 2 to come out. And I've been doing so mind numbing things lately, so my mind wasn't ready for gaming.

I think I'll play a few soon.