Dec 6, 2009

The Protoss Point of View

Just finished reading this. Looking at PvT from the Toss point of view has even taught me something. I have never known that vultures do full damage to the dragoon's shields, I only knew that it took lots of vulture shots to kill them. It has somewhat perplexed me when I see good players shoot the goons when in for a early push (well... I knew vultures were better in receiving damage, as they are more easily replaced and cheaper). Having many vultures ahead of tanks makes your army even very dangerous.

What about reavers? Do vultures do full damage only to their shields? What about buildings? If I could hazard a guess, I would say yes to both.

Maybe I could start working on having vessels in my attacks. The matrix shield and EMP can be more helpful than I've realized.

Watched a replay of a D Protoss and I. I was vulture harassing and thought it would be better to shift-click each probe so they won't go for a goon or cannon if one is attacking. I noticed that whenever I did it, they'd all shoot at one at the same time, again and again. It was as if there was really only 1 vulture there. And so, if there are no goons or cannons, use stop... sometimes I can be just out of range of the cannon. If there is a cannon thats going to hit no matter what, shift-click. These small things can go a long way :-)

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