Dec 1, 2009

Weak MU

Looking into why I'm not C- yet, my TvP doesn't look good at all. I currently have a 27.3% win ratio (6-16) compared to 64% (16-9) in TvZ. It's simple to explain. I've playing almost 100 games straight of TvZ after all. As much as it may pain me to think of, I may have to do the same in TvP's. There's a dark feeling looming in the back of my mind in each game. My army constantly feels so vulnerable. In TvZ, I've gotten used to waiting for the right time. When I finally get a vessel, a tank or two, and explode my way across the map, up their ass. Lots of zergs will be completely overwhelmed, but things are different now. I'm getting out-macroed and out-microed by guys with lower APM and EAPM than me. And it's hard to believe because in 20 minute games I'd have produced almost 300 units.

Dragoons, in mass, are currently giving me reason to become emo. The positioning of my tanks and mines aren't so great. There's one thing I can do about that :-)

Oh, and I've been playing a bit of Python. Most people don't play it on account of it being overplayed, but I've never really played it that much. I've probably played on Destination more than Python by now (just checked my replay folder, and I have). It's a good map for guys like me, nicely balanced and simple.


Travis said...

Hi Michael,

I am launching a website that you might be interested to know, so I thought I'd share it and perhaps get some of your feedback on. Here's the info if you're interested: - It is a Q&A for everything in Starcraft such as Strategy, Starcraft II news, Proleague Games. You can find info on Zerg Overflow from there.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about it (zergoverflow[at]gmail[dot]com). I'd be happy to assign you as moderator if you able to stick around.


Fafner said...

Very weak MU indeed. Except that you completely trashed me 0-3 yesterday.

My Starcraft frustration is basically endless at the moment.

Michael said...

Fafner, the more you play PvT the more you'll enjoy it. I'm positive. I'm surprised you haven't started to enjoy it more already!

It may help if you occasionally visit