May 26, 2009


Am I fucking crazy? There's no way I could have done that.


Fafner said...

Probably. But it was fun playing you yesterday. The two games I squeezed in before dinner was more fun than most games I have played recently.

And I still think your basic idea has merit. To set aside some time to play and concentrate on getting some games. The number of games you actually play is a huge help in learning.

How many games did you get to play yesterday?

Michael said...

I played one game.

Just let me know when you want to play. I'm telling you now it'll be good playing me a couple times.

Tom Phoenix said...

Actually, once I have time again, I am interested in doing something like that myself. Spend the majority of the week practicing builds for at least one hour and then spend a single day in the week playing StarCraft all day. At least Dreadwave says that practicing a build on a regular basis works wonders.

But then again, considering my bussyness at times, I just might satisfy myself with an hour or two of play a day. I do not know, we shall see once my exam period is finished.