Aug 20, 2009

Been a While

I've gotten back, and just played DetZero twice. hehe. I won one and lost the other, but had an incredible advantage in the game I lost. All I had to do was... well

ah just check out the replays.

First game

Second game

I think I have an excuse for my improvement... even though I haven't been playing. For one, I've got a job and the multitasking and constant short term thinking helps a ton. My brain is pretty used to it. Also, I've been exercising really hard lately, resulting in a faster brain.

I honestly haven't played in a little over two weeks.


ptoss1 said...

I weigh 180 pounds and my doctor says I'm 20 pounds overweight. I just started my exercise routine, and my goal is to be able to run for a whole 30 minutes straight by the end of next month.

Michael said...

hehe how tall are you? I weigh 216, weighed 228 about four weeks ago. I'm trying to (back) get down to 180, and running a whole 30 minutes has been my goal for a long while. It's like... a life goal hehe

Michael said...

Meant to say "I'm trying to get (back) down to 180"

ptoss1 said...

I'm about 5" 9.

I suddenly gained 5 pounds in one week last year due to my retarded eating out habit.

I haven't been able to lose any fat since then.

2 years ago, I was 170 pounds.

Michael said...

You're a skinny little guy eh? :-)

ptoss1 said...

I have a friend who weighs 110 pounds.