Aug 22, 2009

New Name

Had to change my name to 1pq[FuN] for the team I'm on. I tried to transfer my stats and ended up sending my new name's stats to the old one. Maybe I can't do anything about it, but I hope the D+ shows up on my history at least.

I'm going to try to reach D+ before the new season. I was fired from my last job (my drawer was short one too many times). I'll have a bit more time to play until my next job, and I can exercise a bit harder now.

My speed and macro are still better than it used to be, I have a pretty good chance against these D guys even when I forget to make a depot and have to wait longer for a vessel. Heck, so far my TvZ games are no longer than 15 minutes. I'm reaching a new height.

Here is my new profile

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