Mar 13, 2009

No hotkeying

I'm still having trouble with guys that don't use hotkeys 1 through 0. The guy's macro wasn't all that great but I keep seeing myself not expoing effectively and making units. My train rate wasn't all that good. I was expanding, but we had quite a few head-on collisions so it was slowed down a bit. Most of the time I had just as many vultures as tanks. There should be at least double the vultures and with good microing. I've only played Othello but I've still not dropped on cliffs above expos where it would have been a very effective blow.

I've got a plan for the next game I play. I will use at least 4-6 vultures to harass and plant mines the entire game and maintain good macro. If I can learn to have good macro while harassing, I believe my speed will get better. This kind of thing can't be learned playing a computer either (Edit: on second thought, maybe it can) Now don't get me wrong, I've been trying to use vultures in my games but not enough. Not the ENTIRE game. And that's what I need to do.

Just as the hotkey trainer showed me to do, switch back and forward from units to base very quickly, that is the key to my future victories. I will learn the skill.


Tom Phoenix said...

In order to learn effective Vulture micro, watch this:

Michael said...

Thanks, I knew already how to do that. It's only useful in few situations. I'm thinking of offensive mine laying that I need to work on.